About me

Alejo Dillor (born in 1995, in Buenos Aires, Argentina) is a visual artist, and teacher, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Arts Management and History from the University of Salvador. He is pursuing a Master’s degree in Cultural Management at the University of San Andrés.

In 2019, he started his project “Punto Rosa” to explore, through photography and critique, different ways of thinking about homosexuality, homoeroticism, and masculinities.

In his teaching career, he works as a professor in Aesthetics (UCES) and a teaching assistant in Photography (UBA, UCES). He also conducts his own workshops for artists.

In November 2019, he was awarded the Young Stimulus Prize in the 7th Edition of the ArtexArte Prize by the Alfonso and Luz Castillo Foundation. Currently, he is represented by The Little Black Gallery of London for the project “BOYS! BOYS! BOYS!” and by Galería COLADA in Argentina.


My work captures nostalgic moments much like a personal diary that is always in motion, continuously evolving and unfolding. It encapsulates thoughts and records of an eternal, playful youth, bringing to life a sense of timelessness and carefree exuberance. This playful essence is hidden within minimal, almost imperceptible gestures, vulnerabilities, and impulses. These are the subtle aspects of ourselves that we typically conceal behind a protective shield in our everyday lives, masking them to fit societal norms and expectations. However, it is in moments of intimacy and personal connection that these true, unguarded expressions emerge. My art seeks to explore these hidden facets, inviting viewers to recognize and embrace their own concealed emotions and memories, allowing them to reconnect with the innocent, joyous spirit of their youth.



  • Young Stimulus Award – VII ArtexArte Prize – Alfonso y Luz Castillo Foundation.

Solo Shows

  • ‘Infraleves’ Online Exhibition – September 2022. BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! – The Little Black Gallery.

Group Shows

  • ‘BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! World Pride’ WorkingDog Gallery – Sydney, Australia – 2023. Curatorship: Paul McDonald and Ghislain Pascal.
  • ‘No tengo nada que hacer más que estar contigo’ – Noviembre, 2022. Curatorship: Lulú Jankilevich.
  • ‘Cámara en Mano’ – Erotique Pink – Curatorship: Lulú Jankilevich.
  • ‘Class of 2022’ – BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! – Curatorship: Ghislain Pascal
  • ‘Las Armas Tiernas’ – Curatorship: Fabro Tranchida.

Teaching Experience

  • Aesthetics Course in the Graphic and Visual Communication Degree – UCES.
  • Photography Couse (UCES, UBA)
  • Punto Rosa Escuela Courses – Homoerotic Photography Course.


  • Master in Art Management – San Andrés University – 2023.
  • BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! Photography Course – 1st Class – 2022.
  • Art Clinic: Lulú Jankilevich, Matías Maroevic, Fabro Tranchida.
  • Art History and Management Degree – Universidad del Salvador – 2015-2020.

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